100 Days To My Birthday: Changing Habits

Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you could just change a few bad habits? What if you woke up earlier? What if you started to walk 10,000 steps everyday? What if you cut sugar out of your life? What if you started a meditation practice? What would life look like? Well,…

2,000 Miles in 2021

2021 is here (and yes it has been here for a month). At the beginning of every year comes the multitudes of resolutions. I want to get in shape. I want to run a 5k. I want to lose 50lbs. I want to walk 10,000 steps a day. I want to start Whole 30…and the…

Running a Race I swore I Never Would Again

Lets set the scene shall we. The day was unusually warm. The spirits were high all around. I understood that this was the toughest marathon. Why? Because a magazine had said so, which meant it had to be true. The beginning was easy. Just gradual hills without too many sharp Arkansas rocks. I was loving…

It’s Been Too Long

Hosa Runners, where have you been? Well, we have not been anywhere. The world seems to be in chaos and my bubble of NW Arkansas seems to be safe. So, we have stayed in our safe zone these last few months. Yes, we still run. Yes, we still eat Low-carb paleo. Lucky for us our…

Whats Next?

There are so many things next. I’m not even sure what some of them are yet, but I can feel them coming my way. Lately, I’ve been feeling like 2020 is going to be a big year for me. It’s this bubbling, fizzing sensation in the pit of my stomach. Years ago this feeling would…

Absent for Far Too Long

It was kind of like my main power breaker had been switched off. Now that I have switched it on, my house is blindingly beautiful.

When Motivation is Not Present

Do we always have motivation? Are we always driven? Do we always complete the goals we set for ourselves? For me, the answer is NO. I’m not always feeling it. I don’t always want to write. I don’t always want to run. I don’t always want to make my posts on my social media accounts….

An ambitious build up to the OHT 50K…

If you know me and/or follow the blog, you’ll know that I like to have a schedule planned out. It makes it much easier for me to prepare mentally and always helps to get me out of bed for an early morning run to work. As of this point, I will be waiting like everybody…

2018 Arkansas Traveller 100

Just like the 2017 version, the 2018 Arkansas Traveller 100 mile foot race was a scorcher! Personally, I have always done well in the heat but it makes for a tough day for the entire field. Who am I kidding?! It makes for a brutal day for everyone involved. Well, I asked for it and…

Carson Footwear: 10/10 Vs. 12/12

I have been wearing Carson shoes for almost two years. When I first started with the cheetah print pair, there was only the 10/10 mm sole. I fell in love with the shoe. I wore them at all times, to work, to run, to walk. They made my feet feel amazing. I no longer had…